
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Discover New Blogs

Hello! What have you guys been up to? These days I'm--still busy--playing--with my cuties. Yeah, I'm still playing Fire Emblem: Awakening. I'm a bit disappointed that my husband prince doesn't call me with pet names. In Harvest Moon, you can choose how you want your partner calls you; Darling, Honey, or Dear.

'The people need to be saved! Wifey, let's go!' Probably like that. I want Chrom to sound badass and still dorky at the same time.

Guys, are you still there? Okay, I don't want to tire you out with my unnecessary gaming comments either.

Kind Melanie nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you, Melanie! Please do check out her blog! The Cherry Blossom World.

The Versatile Blogger Award rules:

  1. Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  2. Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy
  3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly and then nominate these blogs.
  4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Can you guys tell that I'm excited with this opportunity to introduce you some amazing blogs?!

Here you go, the blogs I'm nominating/tagging!
kitten cuddler ♡ 
** J U N N I K U ** ★★★★ A fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog! ♡
Amour  de ma vie
Emily Marisia
MangoRabbitRabbit - Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle Blog
moeri's story
My Glossy Affair
Naomi Aria's Blog
Oh Dear Bumblebees

And seven things about myself :
  1. I'm indecisive and--slow-paced. I take minutes to decide if I want to buy something. I panic when someone tells me to 'just decide quickly'.
  2. I have social anxiety. I like the advantages blogging gives me, I like sounding like I'm a bright and cheerful person. I don't feel guilty after blogging either.
  3. I can sleep for ten hours (or more) straight. But I definitely don't enjoy being called kebo (or water buffalo).
  4. I have obsession with neat handwriting and perfectly-made paper. My favorite stationary brand is Kokuyo! I'm proud of my handwriting and it's probably the only thing I'm proud of.
  5. I haven't been studying French again, it's getting rusty--and I don't know if I'm going to do something with it (like majoring on it or something) in the near future.
  6. Oh by the way my skin type is combination, leaning more to oily, and is acne-prone.
  7. I'm now sick because three days ago I drank three glasses of instant ice lemon tea in one go. I'm an idiot. Don't you ever do this.

My head is throbbing, brb resting. Have a good day, guys.

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